6)Biaki Eclectus Parrot, Eclectus r. biaki (Hartert 1932)

Length: 35 cm (13.5 inches)

Weight 375 –425 gm

Other Names: Biak Red-sided Eclectus Parrot

Distribution: Originates from the islands in Geelvink Bay (Numfor, Biak, Yapen and Mios Num).

The Biaki Eclectus parrot is often described in some literature as being a doubtful subspecies. Those aviculturists working with both the Biaki and Solomon Islands Eclectus however agree there is a definable difference. They both are similar is size. There are only a few Biaki Eclectus parrots that were imported into the US in the earlyu 1990’s. There are several versions but there is a main thread of truth in all the versions. It is a most colorful story. In 1991, a Christian missionary brought 15 Eclectus parrots into the US, most of which were of the Biaki subspecies with a few Red-sided Eclectus included. These birds were imported legitimately as the missionary had the proper paperwork to import them commercially. One mixed pair, a Biaki hen and a Red-sided male, was sold to a pet store in Arcadia, California and never was heard of again. Two pairs of these Eclectus went to a jobber in southern California who thought they were Red-sided and Solomon Island Eclectus. He soon realized that he had something much rarer and promptly hiked the price up to $4000. A pair was sold to a woman who cannot be located, as the jobber has refused to divulge her name. In 1996 there were two breeding pairs from which have come most of the available Biaki stock in the US.


The male Biaki Eclectus parrot has a darker green feather coloration, closer to that of the Red-sided Eclectus, with an emerald green hue. His upper mandible is a deep, rich red-orange color, appearing a bit large for his head. The feathers themselves appear to have a slight barring effect, like fish scales. He is slim, with a compact body, with a rather longish neck and tail and a defined yellowish pale edging to the underside of its tail (¼ inch). His iris is reddish orange.


The female Biaki Eclectus parrot reminds one of the richest, sweetest, darkest piece of chocolate in the box. She resembles the adult Red-sided female in many ways except being much smaller. The main difference between them is that the Biaki female’s back and upper wing coverts are a velvety maroon red, with a translation to a deep, bright red on her head and down her bib. Her breast and lower belly portions are a brilliant royal blue with a hint of purple. The Biaki female has a beautiful eye ring of small royal blue feathers that completely encircle her eyes. Her shiny black beak appears slightly smaller in proportion to her head. Her feathers are held very tightly to the body in comparison to many of the larger subspecies. Her tail is lighter reddish-orange underneath, somewhat the color of a tequila sunrise with too much grenadine. Her iris is whitish-yellow in color, almost appearing silver-yellow in contrast to it brilliant blue eye ring.


1) Grand Eclectus Parrot, Eclectus roratus roratus (P.L.S. Muller 1776)

2) Vosmaeri Eclectus Parrot, Eclectus r. vosmaeri (Rothchild 1922)
3) Cornelia Eclectus Parrot, Eclectus r. cornelia Bonaparte 1850

4) Riedel's Eclectus Parrot, Eclectus r. riedeli A.B. Meyer 1882

5) Red-sided Eclectus Eclectus r. polychlorus (Scopoli 1786)

6) Biaki Eclectus Parrot, Eclectus r. biaki (Hartert 1932)
7) Aru Eclectus Parrot, Eclectus r. aruensis G.R. Gray 1858

8) Macgillivray's Eclectus Parrot, Eclectus r. macgillivrayi Mathews 1913
9) Solomon Island Eclectus Parrot, Eclectus r. solomonensis Rothchild and Hartert 1901


(will propagate in a new window)

Possible Route of Eclectus Subspecies Migration Map 1

Map 2

Photography by Susie Christian© 2000
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reused in any form without the express written permission of Susie Christian
Last Updated November 11, 2004, by Bear Canyon Productions