The Amazing Toucan Bill


Foster Birds

With Ringnecks, the hen does all the setting, unlike Cockatiels and Galahs, who take turns setting on the eggs.  Ringnecks can cover a larger Galah egg better than a Cockatiel but it can really wear a hen Ringneck out with non-stop setting and caring for the baby afterwards, even with her devoted mate diligently bringing her food.

At this point I had one undamaged Galah egg under a Ringneck pair, a patched egg under a Cockatiel pair and a third egg I was able to rescue from total damage but it still had a tiny hole in it.  I patched the hole with Elmer’s Glue and facial tissue, then another layer of glue and put the third egg under another pair of Ringnecks. 

The undamaged egg hatched out just fine with the Ringnecks, the first damaged but fertile egg under the Cockatiels didn’t make it but the last damaged egg under the Ringneck pair did well and the chick got the egg opened about halfway but died in trying.  The day it pipped, it was very dry and hot here and I suspect the baby dried out trying to get out of the egg.  The other curious thing about the third egg was this was late June, which is about two months past our normal Galah season here.  At least my patch job worked OK.

Galah Baby

One of the Galah offspring brought
in from the nest for hand feeding.


Galah Baby Hatched

Baby Galah fostered in 2011.

The Galah Baby Hatched

I was so thrilled that my Ringnecks had hatched a baby and I took lots of extra feedings to their flight daily, because the food disappeared fast once the baby hatched.  They were excellent parents.  I should have taken the Galah baby from them at two weeks, but something came up and I had to leave the baby until it was three and a half weeks old.  By that time the hen Ringneck was looking very tired but she was a devoted mother.  In fact she even laid another clutch of eggs after the baby was pulled.

Feeding a three and a half week old Galah was much like hand feeding Cockatiels, except I had a hard time getting a feeding response for a few days.  I had never hand fed a baby Galah before but what a delight they are.  I DNA sexed this baby and it turned out to be a hen.  Of course I am keeping her and she is a really great bird.  My first Galah baby.

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Copyright © 2011, Susie Christian